Plasma Sources

Gencoa provide a range of plasma source technology based upon DC, AC and HIPIMS power modes, and for applications including pre-cleaning, coating removal and ion beam deposition.

Gencoa Linear Ion Source

Linear ion source

Gencoa's linear ion sources offer a robust and flexible means of pre-cleaning polymer and glass substrates before the application of PVD coatings.

Gencoa IMC75 circular ion source


A compact, robust and simple to operate circular Ion Source with options for internal or external mounting for R&D and small substrate sizes.

Gencoa plasma treater

Plasma Treater

An AC discharge plasma treater for high speed treatment of metallic substrates and very high speed treatment of polymer web.

Gencoa Oxygen plasma source

Activated oxygen plasma source

A high power gas plasma source for substrate pre-treatment and radical assisted sputtering.

Gencoa high voltage power supply

Power supplies

The IM3000 and IM300 offer a complete high voltage control package for circular and linear Ion Sources.

Perfect your process.
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