Plasma Sources
Gencoa provide a range of plasma source technology based upon DC, AC and HIPIMS power modes, and for applications including pre-cleaning, coating removal and ion beam deposition.
Linear ion source
Gencoa's linear ion sources offer a robust and flexible means of pre-cleaning polymer and glass substrates before the application of PVD coatings.
A compact, robust and simple to operate circular Ion Source with options for internal or external mounting for R&D and small substrate sizes.
Plasma Treater
An AC discharge plasma treater for high speed treatment of metallic substrates and very high speed treatment of polymer web.
Activated oxygen plasma source
A high power gas plasma source for substrate pre-treatment and radical assisted sputtering.
Power supplies
The IM3000 and IM300 offer a complete high voltage control package for circular and linear Ion Sources.
- Gencoa Linear Ion Source flyer
- IMC75 presentation
- Linear ion source presentation
- SVC Techcon 2022: Magnetron Based Plasma Substrate Pre-Treatment and Etching
Perfect your process
Learn more about products and services provided by Gencoa, and view a short video on the company webpage.