Activated oxygen plasma source

Gencoa's high power gas plasma source is a new solution for pre-treatment and radical assisted sputtering which delivers key benefits over traditional RF and microwave powered gas sources.

The gas source delivers a high current density for substrate treatment, and can be assembled with source lengths of up to 4m without any power scaling issues.

Power is switched between two water-cooled electrodes in the presence of oxygen gas and a magnetic field. The resulting plasma ionizes the oxygen gas species and also provides an electron shower for neutralisation which avoids charge build-up on the substrates.

The double electrode switches from positive to negative and delivers a stable and highly uniform plasma.

Shields are water cooled for low temperature processing, and the sources operate without coating or debris, which therefore eliminates any requirement for cleaning.

Key features

  • 0.2m to 4m source length with no power or scaling issues
  • Up to 40 Amps of plasma electrode current per metre length
  • Highly activated gas species with 70 eV energy
  • Added kinetic energy of gas to aid layer oxidation & pre-cleaning
  • Pure gas plasma – no etching of electrodes
  • No maintenance
  • Self-neutralized switching plasma potential delivering both positive and negative bombardment
  • Lower cost than RF and microwave plasma generation devices


Gencoa gas plasma sourceGencoa gas plasma sourceGencoa gas plasma sourceGencoa gas plasma sourceGencoa gas plasma sourceGencoa gas plasma sourceGencoa oxygen plasma sourceGencoa oxygen plasma sourceGencoa oxygen plasma sourceGencoa oxygen plasma source


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