In order to maintain product performance and extend the lifespan, many vacuum coating components require routine maintenance to be carried out at various intervals.
From consumables to replacements of worn or damaged parts, Gencoa supply a full range of OEM spares for all products, with all parts produced to the highest quality.
Common planar magnetron replacements include o-ring seals, cooling diaphragms and anodes, whilst replacement filters, fibre optics and cables are among the spares supplied for process control instruments.
Information covering spare parts and maintenance schedules for specific products can be found within the supplied product manuals. Alternatively, a list of spare parts can be provided by contacting Gencoa and enclosing details of the product serial number.
To receive a quotation for spare parts, contact [email protected] with a list of the parts required, along with details of the original product. Please note that each component in a Gencoa product will have a part code located on one face of the part. A code which contains a 'G' is usually available from stock. Most other parts are manufactured to order.
Overseas-based customers may also refer to a local sales representative for support.
Spare parts can also be purchased at a reduced cost during the manufacture of a new complete product. A full list can be provided within 2 weeks of a new product order date.
Gencoa also offer a repair service for all types and makes of magnetrons and plasma sources. Typically, a faulty source will be shipped to Gencoa for an assessment of any damage. A quote will then be provided for refurbishment of the product to its original working condition.
Prior to any product being returned for repair, please contact Gencoa and include full details of the product for which the repair relates to.
Magnetic array upgrades are carried out through Gencoa's retrofit service, with further details provided on the retrofit magnetics page.

Contact Gencoa

To contact Gencoa at our Liverpool headquarters, click for contact details.
For details of international representatives, refer to our list of worldwide contacts.