Video Presentations

Whether presenting on new products from Gencoa, or general advances in the field of vacuum coating, Gencoa staff regularly share their expertise at industry-related conferences around the world. With most events having been staged virtually over the past year, presentations are instead being broadcast. The videos below are a selection of recorded presentations covering a range of topics relating to both products and vacuum coating technology.

The range of magnetic array options for planar magnetrons (Dr Dermot Monaghan)

Benefits of using a magnetic active anode in the sputtering of rotatable magnetrons (Dr Patrick McCarthy)

Real time spectral plasma analysis software tools (Patricia Killen)

Automated analysis of vacuum processes using AI (Dr Joseph Brindley)

Light-activated high efficiency antimicrobial and antiviral coatings (Victor Bellido-Gonzalez)

New Developments In Magnetron Sputtering Devices (Victor Bellido-Gonzalez)

Upcoming Events

Gencoa exhibitions
  • 4-7 August 2024 - ALD/ALE 2024
  • 2-5 September 2024 - Plasma Surface Engineering 2024
  • 29 September - 2 October 2024 - Euro PM2024 Congress & Exhibition
  • 30 September - 3 October 2024 - IMAT 2024
  • View full list >
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