From product flyers to technical presentations delivered at industry conferences, you'll find information on Gencoa and its products in the sections below. To request further questions relating to Gencoa products and services, contact our sales team.
Company general
Product information
- 3G circular magnetron flyer
- AC Plasma Gas Source
- Active anode flyer
- Effusion cell flyer
- Gencoa Circular FFE flyer
- Gencoa IMC75 flyer
- Gencoa Linear Ion Source flyer
- Gencoa Optix flyer
- Gencoa rectangular magnetron flyer
- Gencoa Speedflo
- Gencoa VACGAS-G16 flyer
- GRS flyer
- Hip3+ Enhanced
- HIPIMS flyer
- Magnet bars flyer
- Optix for ALD processes
- Optix for Leak Detection
- Power supply specifications
- Rectangular VTFLEX
- Speedflo brochure
Product presentations/technical papers
- Circular FFE300 presentation
- Controlling reactive processes
- FFE300 uniformity tuning
- FFE75 circular magnetron
- Gencoa 3G circular presentation
- Gencoa Coating Services presentation
- Gencoa FFE430
- Gencoa IMC75
- Gencoa Optix presentation
- GRS-C presentation
- Linear ion source presentation
- Monitoring the Outgassing of Powders Prior to Sintering and Hiping
- SVC Bulletin (Fall 2023): Antimicrobial Protection to Reduce Hospital Associated Infections
- SVC Bulletin (Summer 2020): Highly Biocidal Transparent Coatings for Touch Surfaces
- SVC Bulletin (Summer 2022): Automated analysis of vacuum processes using AI
- System geometry tuning
Conference Presentations
- AVS Symposium 2023: An Alternative to Helium Leak Checking
- EVC-15: Monitoring of volatile vacuum species using remote optical emission spectroscopy
- HIPIMS 2018: Deposition of hard highly transparent abrasion-resistant DLC on glass
- SVC TechCon 2019: ARC MAX Source Technology for Smoother Hard Coating Deposition
- SVC TechCon 2019: Conformal Coatings Deposited on Microstructured Substrates using HIPIMS and a Full Face Erosion cathode
- SVC TechCon 2019: Controlling Sputter Processes by Optimizing Magnetic Field Guidance and System Anode Interactions
- SVC TechCon 2019: GRSM Low Maintenance High Capacity Drop-in Style Rotatable End Block
- SVC TechCon 2019: In-situ Gas Monitoring as an Industrial Tool for Rapid Troubleshooting
- SVC TechCon 2019: Modelling and Analytical Stability Analysis of Feedback Controlled Reactive Sputter Processes
- SVC Techcon 2022: Antimicrobial Transparent Protection for Touch Screen Application
- SVC Techcon 2022: Magnetron Based Plasma Substrate Pre-Treatment and Etching
- SVC Techcon 2022: Process Benefits of a Clean Sputter Target by Dynamic Plasma Movement on Circular Planar Magnetrons
- SVC Techcon 2022: Reactive Sputtering Made Easy
- SVC Techcon 2022: The deposition of hard, transparent, DLC coatings using magnetron sputtering
Technical information
- Magnetic options for planar magnetrons
- Optix (STP file)
- Optix dimensions
- Optix plasma head
- Optix power supply dimensions
- Rectangular target details
- Speedflo dimensions
- Speedflo Mini (STP file)
- Speedflo Mini dimensions
- Speedflo optical components
- Water cooling options
Perfect your process

Learn more about products and services provided by Gencoa, and view a short video on the company webpage.